Write my essay paper
Monday, August 24, 2020
Anthopology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Anthopology - Essay Example As per the inquires about of Chavez, Pedraza and Rimbaut; there are clear differentiations between a transient and a pilgrim. Vagrants could be viewed as individuals that brief inhabitants of a zone; in this way transients are individuals that leave their changeless spot of home and live in different territories incidentally looking for greener fields. Then again, pilgrims are individuals that have the benefits of a resident of a specific nation or district in the wake of living there for a specific number of years. Accordingly, Chavez accepts that undocumented foreigners are individuals that begin as unlawful outsiders and they could really achieve the status of a pilgrim subsequent to remaining there for a specific number of years. The thought about undocumented migrants is the thing that really influences the way that undocumented foreigners complete their obligations as laborers in the United States of America. These undocumented settlers don't consider themselves to be lasting o ccupants, yet as brief laborers that have a short spell in the United States of America. The undocumented laborers are confronted with the test that they would need to return to their local nations sometime in the future (Chavez, 1998). ... The three stages are division, progress and fuse. The division stage is the phase that the undocumented workers are isolated from their loved ones and this speaks to an enthusiastic period in the lives of the undocumented outsiders. The change stage is the phase that the undocumented outsiders are given the chance of moving to a more significant level in their lives as they attempt to turn into an individual from a general public that is really strange to them. The consolidation stage is the phase that the undocumented migrants attempt to in coordinate themselves into their new home and society and they relate to the qualities and standards of this general public during the joining stage. Also, this is much the same as the transitional experience as it happens when somebody gains a sensible ground by changing starting with one status then onto the next (Chavez, 1998). Chavez completed his hands on work by directing meetings among undocumented migrants living in better places. He sort ed out organized meetings and casual meetings for these undocumented workers. The troubles he looked over the span of his field work are that the greater part of the meetings were typically tedious (Chavez, 1998). Chavez decided to allude to them as undocumented outsiders because of the way that he felt that was the most amiable and nonpartisan term to use to characterize these gatherings of people as different terms that were utilized were excessively unforgiving on these individuals. Chavez portrays the social decent variety of northern San Diego situated in the various foundations of the individuals that live there. He additionally describes them by the quantity of years they have remained in the United States and the variables that influence the manner in which they live. The undocumented workers fit into the bigger society in territories that
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Multimedia Arts Essay Example For Students
Media Arts Essay The Dock The Dock is the toolbar at the base or side of your work area that has a great deal of significant connections and devices to assist you with utilizing your Macintosh PC. The Dock shows visual portrayals of projects and documents; for instance, the schedule symbol appears as though a work area schedule, and the junk seems as though a trash can. You can redo the Dock to hold applications you need to utilize consistently. The Finder The Finder is what could be compared to Windows Explorer and Search, all folded into one. The Finder is really plain as day. A registry tree shows up in the left alumna of the Finder window, and the substance of the chose catalog show in the correct window sheet. You can double tap organizers to see substance. Squeezing the Back catch to retreats from an organizer or index. The Menu Bar The Menu ear at the highest point of the screen is your vital aspect for cooperating with most applications, Many application works live on the Menu Bar under different headings. At the point when message on the Menu Bar is dark, you can choose it and play out those capacities. At the point when content is dark, those capacities arent as of now accessible. The Menu Bar changes relying upon what application youre utilizing, so acclimate ourselves with the various orders accessible with various applications. Stopping and Minimizing Programs The red catch in the upper-left corner of a given window or application is the Close order, while the yellow catch implies limit. Because you close a window doesnt mean the application is shut; to stop most applications, you should choose the Quit order from the application menu. You can likewise press the Apple button and the Q button on your console all the while to stop an application. Console SHORTCUT By utilizing some basic console easy routes you can figure out how to function a lot quicker. For example, in the event that you are composing a book and need to accomplish something with the mouse - ? maybe there is a console order that can play out something very similar? Utilizing that console order, your hands dont need to leave the console. Over the long haul, this will spare you a ton of time. The Keys Below is a rundown of the most significant keys on your Macs console. They may shift a touch of relying upon which Mac you have. The best console orders of Mac 05 x: 1 . APPLICATION SWITCHING. In the event that you press order tab, a window containing all open application will show up, Keep order pushed down and press the tab key more than once to peruse high schooler the applications and when the correct one is chosen, discharge the keys and the application will show up in front tooth others. Timeserving! 2. Stopping Apt ACTIONS. To close an application essentially press order q and the application will stop right away.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Need Money for Groceries Here Are 5 Tips to Help You Out
Need Money for Groceries Here Are 5 Tips to Help You Out Need Money for Groceries? Here Are 5 Tips to Help You Out Need Money for Groceries? Here Are 5 Tips to Help You OutIf youre considering a short-term no credit check loan to help cover a grocery bill, make sure you check out all your other options first.If you’re thinking of taking out short-term no credit check loans (like payday loans, cash advances, or title loans) to cover your grocery bill, we ask that you pause for a moment and reconsider.Sure, those last couple days before your next paycheck drops can be really roughâ€"especially when you need to put food on the table. But there are other steps you can take before resorting to a no credit check loan.At the very least, make sure that you’ve considered every possible option before resorting to a high-interest loan and large lump-sum payments that you might well struggle to repay. Hunger is a problem. So are predatory no credit check loans.40 million people, including 12 million children, struggle with hunger in the United States, and not all are eligible for government assistance.Wh ile food is a basic need, it can be difficult to secure enough food for your family on a limited income. And when gaps in income or other financial emergencies arise, many people turn to short-term no credit check loans like payday loans or cash advances to put food on the table.But these risky, high-interest loans can drive borrowers into a debt spiral, making it even more difficult to afford food later on. Once you’re caught in a debt trap, extra money goes towards interest payments, not towards healthier food.Speaks of healthy food, here’s an interesting fact: Did you know there are more payday lending storefronts in the U.S. than McDonald’s restaurants? If you’ve ever run out of money for food, you might have considered visiting either of these establishmentsâ€"maybe both!But just like subsisting solely on fast food will negatively impact your health, relying on costly no credit checks loans will cause undue harm to your financial health. McDonald’s is best as a “som etimes†food, and payday loans are best as an absolute last resort.If you or your family are hungry, there are better options available.1. Budget and buy strategically.Setting a budget for food is one of the best ways to ensure you’ll have enough to go around. Compare what you spend with the official USDA Food Plans to see if you might be able to cut costs.Buy house brands, shop for sale items, and buy in bulk when you can. You should also be strategic about what you buy; get foods that are whole grain or high in protein, which will fill you up without breaking the bank.Check out this list of 35 foods to eat when you’re broke or these 5 home-cooked meals that are cheaper than McDonald’s. For more information, see our guide saving money on your grocery bill.2. Apply for assistance.If you’re struggling to cover the cost of food, you should check to see if you’re eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in your state. For states without online applications , you’ll need to visit your local SNAP office.If you qualify, you’ll get a card that can be used at authorized food retailers to help you purchase groceries. You can use this pre-screening tool to check your eligibility.It can take up to 30 days to receive your benefits, so if hunger is a problem for your family right now, you might also consider another option in the meantime. You should also look into other programs that may defray other costs, such as rent assistance.3. Visit a local food pantry or soup kitchen.Charities, nonprofits, and faith-based organizations can help families who are struggling to buy food. 4.3 billion meals each year are distributed each year through the Feeding America network of food banks.You can also find other local food pantries through this resource. Hours vary by location, but you’ll likely find a place to get a meal soon.4. Take out a lower-cost loan.If you’re not eligible for assistance and you need to borrow money in an emergency, conside r all other options before taking out a payday loan. personal loans from banks and credit unions will have lower interest rates, as will credit cards and online loans from traditional lenders.But those who lack an established credit history or have bad credit may have difficulty accessing these options. If you need a bad credit loan, consider taking out an installment loan.The combination of longer terms and lower interest rates makes these loans easier to manage for most people. Plus, many installment lenders report payment information to the credit bureaus. If you make your payments on time with one of these loans it could help you build your credit!5. Start building an emergency fund.In the long-term, the best thing you can do is start setting money aside for an emergency fund. Unlike retirement savingsâ€"which you generally shouldn’t touchâ€"emergency funds are designed to be easily accessible for whenever a financial shortfall or unexpected bill rears its ugly head.A well-sto cked emergency fund will set you on the path towards a healthier financial future. Aim for $1,000 dollars to start, but don’t stop there! The more money you have tucked away, the greater your ability to weather any financial storm.It doesn’t have to be much, even setting donating $5 from every paycheck or just throwing your loose change in a jar is a good start. To learn more about saving money and taking care of your money long-term, check out these other articles from OppLoans:Save More Money with These 40 Expert Tips10 Good Money Habits to Make Your Friends JealousFrom Budget to Baller: 6 Tips to Grow Your Money8 Ways To Save Money Today, Tomorrow and Every Day AfterDo you have a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. |Instagram Need Money for Groceries Here Are 5 Tips to Help You Out Need Money for Groceries? Here Are 5 Tips to Help You Out Need Money for Groceries? Here Are 5 Tips to Help You OutIf youre considering a short-term no credit check loan to help cover a grocery bill, make sure you check out all your other options first.If you’re thinking of taking out short-term no credit check loans (like payday loans, cash advances, or title loans) to cover your grocery bill, we ask that you pause for a moment and reconsider.Sure, those last couple days before your next paycheck drops can be really roughâ€"especially when you need to put food on the table. But there are other steps you can take before resorting to a no credit check loan.At the very least, make sure that you’ve considered every possible option before resorting to a high-interest loan and large lump-sum payments that you might well struggle to repay. Hunger is a problem. So are predatory no credit check loans.40 million people, including 12 million children, struggle with hunger in the United States, and not all are eligible for government assistance.Wh ile food is a basic need, it can be difficult to secure enough food for your family on a limited income. And when gaps in income or other financial emergencies arise, many people turn to short-term no credit check loans like payday loans or cash advances to put food on the table.But these risky, high-interest loans can drive borrowers into a debt spiral, making it even more difficult to afford food later on. Once you’re caught in a debt trap, extra money goes towards interest payments, not towards healthier food.Speaks of healthy food, here’s an interesting fact: Did you know there are more payday lending storefronts in the U.S. than McDonald’s restaurants? If you’ve ever run out of money for food, you might have considered visiting either of these establishmentsâ€"maybe both!But just like subsisting solely on fast food will negatively impact your health, relying on costly no credit checks loans will cause undue harm to your financial health. McDonald’s is best as a “som etimes†food, and payday loans are best as an absolute last resort.If you or your family are hungry, there are better options available.1. Budget and buy strategically.Setting a budget for food is one of the best ways to ensure you’ll have enough to go around. Compare what you spend with the official USDA Food Plans to see if you might be able to cut costs.Buy house brands, shop for sale items, and buy in bulk when you can. You should also be strategic about what you buy; get foods that are whole grain or high in protein, which will fill you up without breaking the bank.Check out this list of 35 foods to eat when you’re broke or these 5 home-cooked meals that are cheaper than McDonald’s. For more information, see our guide saving money on your grocery bill.2. Apply for assistance.If you’re struggling to cover the cost of food, you should check to see if you’re eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in your state. For states without online applications , you’ll need to visit your local SNAP office.If you qualify, you’ll get a card that can be used at authorized food retailers to help you purchase groceries. You can use this pre-screening tool to check your eligibility.It can take up to 30 days to receive your benefits, so if hunger is a problem for your family right now, you might also consider another option in the meantime. You should also look into other programs that may defray other costs, such as rent assistance.3. Visit a local food pantry or soup kitchen.Charities, nonprofits, and faith-based organizations can help families who are struggling to buy food. 4.3 billion meals each year are distributed each year through the Feeding America network of food banks.You can also find other local food pantries through this resource. Hours vary by location, but you’ll likely find a place to get a meal soon.4. Take out a lower-cost loan.If you’re not eligible for assistance and you need to borrow money in an emergency, conside r all other options before taking out a payday loan. personal loans from banks and credit unions will have lower interest rates, as will credit cards and online loans from traditional lenders.But those who lack an established credit history or have bad credit may have difficulty accessing these options. If you need a bad credit loan, consider taking out an installment loan.The combination of longer terms and lower interest rates makes these loans easier to manage for most people. Plus, many installment lenders report payment information to the credit bureaus. If you make your payments on time with one of these loans it could help you build your credit!5. Start building an emergency fund.In the long-term, the best thing you can do is start setting money aside for an emergency fund. Unlike retirement savingsâ€"which you generally shouldn’t touchâ€"emergency funds are designed to be easily accessible for whenever a financial shortfall or unexpected bill rears its ugly head.A well-sto cked emergency fund will set you on the path towards a healthier financial future. Aim for $1,000 dollars to start, but don’t stop there! The more money you have tucked away, the greater your ability to weather any financial storm.It doesn’t have to be much, even setting donating $5 from every paycheck or just throwing your loose change in a jar is a good start. To learn more about saving money and taking care of your money long-term, check out these other articles from OppLoans:Save More Money with These 40 Expert Tips10 Good Money Habits to Make Your Friends JealousFrom Budget to Baller: 6 Tips to Grow Your Money8 Ways To Save Money Today, Tomorrow and Every Day AfterDo you have a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. |Instagram
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Authoritarian Style Of Parenting Essay - 1414 Words
Introduction In the early 1960s, psychologist Diana Baumrid conducted a research, analyzing child-parent behavior, seeking to identify parenting styles. The Baumrid study and other further studies identified four main styles of parenting (Miller, 2010): the authoritative parenting style was characterized by fair rules and consequences; The Authoritarian parenting style was characterized by strict rules and harsh punishment; the permissive parenting style was characterized by minimal rules with little or no consequences; the uninvolved parenting style was characterized by no rules, and parent presence was almost non-existent. In this paper, I’m going to look at the authoritarian style of parenting in an attempt to draw out its characteristics and its immediate and later impacts on children impact. The Authoritarian parenting Style The primary focal point of the authoritarian style is on respect rather than parent-child relationships. Authoritarian parents are known for being strict. They lay out rules and expect their children to follow them without question, even if the child has a valid reason for questioning a decision. They establish many rules for the household and leave little or no room for negotiation on policies. Authoritarian parents also fail to explain why the rules exist because they believe that, as the parent, they are the authority on all decisions and shouldn’t be questioned. Penalty is an important element to authoritarian parents. Discipline is not gentleShow MoreRelatedAuthoritative And Authoritarian Parenting Styles Essay964 Words  | 4 PagesAuthoritative and Authoritarian Parenting Starting at birth, children begin to develop social and emotional skills. A strong foundation of social and emotional skills will help them make better choices in adulthood. It is important for parents, no matter their age, to ensure their children are adequately prepared to face challenges later in life by maintaining a loving home environment that nurtures their ability to learn about themselves and the world around them. Negative parenting styles are likelyRead MoreThe Parenting Styles Authoritative, Authoritarian, And Permissive Essay1297 Words  | 6 Pagesparent your children? What is your parenting style? Experts have identified four major parenting types: Permissive, Authoritarian, Uninvolved, and Authoritative. Diana Baumrind (1966) was the one to identify three of the parenting styles Authoritative, Authoritarian, and Permissive. Martin and Maccoby (1983) expanded on Baumrind’s parenting styles and added the Uninvolved style. Which style of parenting do you think you fall into? Frist, Authoritative Parenting is considered the most successfulRead MoreBattle of the Parenting Styles Authoritarian V.S. Permissive Parenting797 Words  | 4 PagesParenting style refers to the way parents behave around their children. A parenting style is not determined by individual events, like a moment of conflict. Instead, it is defined by the overall demeanor that a parent has when he or she is engaging his or her children. There are two popular parenting styles that most people are aware of: Authoritarian and Permissive parenting. The authoritarian style is a restrictive style of parenting focusing on following rules and assuming that the child is incompetentRead MoreChildren And Parenting Styles Are Authoritarian, Permissive And Authoritative1031 Words  | 5 Pagesmake us into good people. Some parent’s were very strick with their children, while some were the complete opposite. However, according to Balswick and Balswick (2014), †Children who grow up without adequate guidance become fertile ground for authoritarian leaders or cults that prey on neglected young people†(p. 113). Also, according to Wilson et al. (2011), maltreated children are in constant state of stress which can permanently damage their brains, speeding of slowing down emotional responsesRead MoreParenting Styles: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved879 Words  | 4 Pagesworldwide parenting skills are essential to maintain a healthy society. Parenting involves many aspects and requires many skills. It is a time to nurture, instruct, and correct in order to develop fundamental skills children will need to be mature, responsible, and contributing adults to a society. There are four commonly identified parenting styles; authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. Of the four parenting styles, two remain on opposite ends of the parenting spectrumRead MoreParenting Styles : Authoritarian, Permissive, Uninvolved , And Authoritative982 Words  | 4 PagesGood parenting is essential for a child’s educational and behavioral success and is a stressed trait throughout the world; however, in different cultures, good parenting can be defined and measured in many contrasting ways. In the United States, parenting and discipline methods have become controversial in the past fifty years, and the methods for raising children have drastically changed in some households. According to psychologist Diana Baumrind, there are four different parenting styles: authoritarianRead MoreParenting Styles, Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive And Uninvolved981 Words  | 4 PagesParenting style has a big impact on how children develop into adults, and there are important implications for their future success. (Ronald Riggio, 2014) How a parent treated their child will follow the child for the rest of its life. Different parenting styles and their punishments that follow can affect the child mentally (psychological disorders) and physically (obesity). While we all know some forms of punishment is uncalled for such as persistence spanking is not typically just punishment butRead MoreDifferent Parenting Styles, Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive, And Uninvolved Essay1538 Words  | 7 PagesThis essay explores the four different types of parenting styles, authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved. The exploration of each parenting sty le is examined, and the outcomes of each parenting style for the child is learned. Each parenting style has positives and negatives, but overall this essay informs the reader about which parenting style is best linked to success in their child’s education. Information for this essay has been gathered from three sources, the sources beingRead MoreEssay about Parenting Styles745 Words  | 3 PagesParenting styles have been grouped into three different categories: authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative. The authoritarian approach to parenting provides children with a clear set of rules which have to be followed without question or reason, while permissive parents constantly are giving into their child’s every wish. The authoritative parenting style gives children rules along with explanations for those rules, and reinforces good behavior. Therefore parents should make sure theRead MorePositive And Negative Effects Of Authoritarian Parenting On Filipino Children Essay1485 Words  | 6 Pagesand negative effects of authoritarian parenting on Filipino children. Authoritarian parenting accounts for a child’s good school performance, but also for their lower self-esteem and low social skills. However, this parenting style can be more favorable to collectivistic groups who care about the group’s appearance and reputation, and even to ethnic minorities because they may need more self-control to prevent giving someone a reason to harass them. Authoritarian parenting is relevant to me because
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Education And Training And Its Mechanism Essay - 964 Words
Introduction This paper will explain and analyze education and training and its mechanism. It will explain their importance how they are similarities yet differences. This paper will exhibit how they connect education and training can be of benefit, along with discussing the relationship between the two. Summation of the Findings According to Oxford Dictionaries â€Å"Education is: the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. Training is: the action of teaching a person’s or animal a particular skill or type of behavior.†(1) (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/education) Education is the process of obtain knowledge by receiving information. Training is the process doing the skill learned. Education and Training are different, yet people tend to associate them as similar because they work together to achieve a common goal. Having education and knowledge of a particular subject doesn’t mean that you can put it to use. Obviously just by looking at the two words education and training there’s a difference between them. A lot of organization today tend to make or give the impression that education and training are identical. Nevertheless, looking a little closer at the two you will notice an immense variety between education and training. Education offers the learner the knowledge and skills to prepare them for a typical future job or career. Education purposes are to place permanentShow MoreRelatedImplementing The Awareness And Training Program1060 Words  | 5 PagesImplementing: An IT security awareness and training program should be implemented only after a needs assessment has been conducted, a strategy has been developed, an awareness and training program plan for implementing that strategy has been completed, and awareness and training material has been developed. The program’s implementation must be fully explained to the organization to achieve support for its implementation and commitment of necessary resources. This explanation includes expectationsRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) And With Exposure Therapy1556 Words  | 7 Pagescognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and with exposure therapy. However, I think that integrating components of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) would improve the efficacy of the treatment for social anxiety. I am proposing to incorporate a skills training group and a mandatory diary in addition to the CBT and the exposure therapy; I also plan to really focus on creating a life worth living. I think that aggregating these two components will improve the effectiveness of the gold standard treatmentRead MoreThe Role Of Talent Development Programme ( Tdp )1716 Words  | 7 Pagesis targeting to improve talents by providing intensive, extra-curricular opportunities for training leadership and problem-solving skills in addressing real world concerns, such as diversity, sustainability, integration or financial regulation (Bailey Morley, 2006, p. 214). TDP activities include seminars by academic or financiers and debates with industrialists or politicians. Students can attend training from a field expert and then organize a follow-up activity. Contemporary companies are turningRead MoreVoice Disorders, And Improve Vocal Hygiene In Teachers : An Analysis925 Words  | 4 PagesVocally abusive behaviors and continued strain on the vocal mechanism can have a significant impact on teachers’ ability to maintain professional careers, while potentially influencing the quality of education they provide. Several researchers have studied the effectiveness of indirect versus direct training approaches, as well as combination approaches employing both indirect and direct measures. Indirect approaches largely focus on education and information, while direct measures include physicalRead MoreResponsible Reactions For A Chemical Emergency Center949 Words  | 4 Pagesapplicable than training and preparedness mechanism which in order to raise the awareness of the public to realise and foresee the danger of hazardous chemicals. Based on the geographical location of Lancaster with a complicated traffic system, it is of great importance to pay more attention on the transportation of hazardous materials. Cheremisinoff (1994) indicates that anyone who engage in the transportation of hazardous materials are force to meet the requirements of specific training, first partRead MoreBsbmgt516A: Facilitate Continuous Improvement727 Words  | 3 Pagesservice tracking system is necessary. Then arrange training for staff and set up organisation’s own IT support team to cooperation with outside company. At last, transfer all systems into provision of oraganisation IT support team. Data recording mechanisms Record data from other department into digital devices and integrate it into tracking system. Try to compromise format between department or section to run business accurately and quickly Training and up skilling needs After outsourcing stepRead MoreHuman Resource Management And The Management Field895 Words  | 4 Pagesand resource utilization in order to achieve scientific and technological progress and economic growth. (Quinn, J B. 1992). Companies must create a suitable attract talent, training a good environment, with the establishment of moral and posts, with the performance of reward, according to Human Resources Development Mechanism need to be trained to attract and retain qualified personnel, to meet the economic development of enterprise and competition for talent We need to achieve rapid economic developmentRead MoreDeveloping A Training Program Essay1241 Words  | 5 Pagesthe problem of a grossly unprepared workforce is to utilize workplace education programs. These programs are used to develop employees that are proving to be instrumental in turning skills in to profit. (Bloom and Lafleur) Objectives 1. The first objective of this paper is to explain in detail the components of an effective orientation program. 2. The second objective of this paper is to explain why remedial skill training programs are important in todays business environment. 3. The thirdRead MoreDeveloping Policies Of Trinidad And Tobago1674 Words  | 7 PagesTobago which embraces access to quality education. I found these document which supports our vision, the STRATEGIC PLAN OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, (MOE), (2002-2006). And MINISTRY OF EDU-CATION, EDUCATION POLICY PAPER (1993 - 2003). In the past Trinidad and Tobago has had equity and equality issues (UNESCO, 2003) these were the developing policy that embraces access to equality education for all. And in these documents the government is focusing on the education system and is looking into the Edu-cationRead MoreComparison Between Pedagogical And Andragogical Approaches957 Words  | 4 PagesAmerica and Europe and was usually employed to impart education to children at monasteries. Later, schools adopted the pedagogical method of instruction for teaching kids. The curriculum learning we see today in school is a byproduct of pedagogical approach. Many organizations also started to make use of this approach to train the employees in order to make them skillful and competent. Gradually, it was realized that the pedagogical method of training is not suitable for adults as their learning preferences
The Planet Takes Care of Us, Not We of It Free Essays
â€Å"The planet takes care of us, not we of it. †One could say that the planet earth is a system, interacting with objects in space such as the sun and the moon. The mass and diameter of these objects, their distance from earth and the amount of heat they radiates makes the conditions on earth ideal for life to exist. We will write a custom essay sample on The Planet Takes Care of Us, Not We of It or any similar topic only for you Order Now Over the years, humans have begun to consume at a much faster rate than before. Yes, fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil are being used at a greedy rate, but the ground is busy making some more. Yes, too many trees providing shade, oxygen, clean air and water, fruit and nuts are being cut down to produce wood products such as paper, furniture and housing, but it’s not like we’ve run out of oxygen†¦ the world always seems to work itself out. A problem is detected, the loophole discovered, and our planet renovates and replenishes itself. The earth doesn’t need our help, and even if it did, I don’t think we are prepared to offer it. Humans are greedy little children, and we never had to grow up because Mother Nature was always there for us even when we are not there for her. Saving the world is a grand gesture needs a large amount of energy and people, and it would never happen that all the people of the world come together with one goal, to save the planet. We don’t even know how to properly fend for ourselves, nor do we know how to keep peace with our neighbors, so how could we ever even attempt to take care of the biggest thing we know, our home, our planet, our earth, which had been standing tall as it still is, four and a half million years before mankind even existed? This of course, is only one approach to a hugely controversial topic, and the other side says we must live green and â€Å"reduce, recycle and reuse†. I do believe a lot of people want to see that happen and admire the concept, but they are just too lazy to go through with it. Either way, here comes my question, if we were going to lend a hand and â€Å"take care†of our planet, would that truly be what we are doing? Or is that phrase just a witty twist of words used as a facade to conceal our self-centered nature†¦ Think about it, if we cease to reduce our carbon footprint and encourage global warming, say we melt the icecaps and increase the sea-level, ruin the soil with our chemicals and pollute every acre of the earth with our damned plastic bags to the point where the air is too dirty to breathe, the soil too tired to harvest on and the water too toxic to drink. What happens? Mankind will die out, life as we know it will never be the same, but the planet? The earth will still be here, only we will not. So are we really trying to take care of the planet, or are we just taking care of ourselves? Is us trying to take care of the planet a selfless, humanitarian act or is it just more evidence to our self absorbed nature? How to cite The Planet Takes Care of Us, Not We of It, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Sg Cowen Study free essay sample
What are the key decision points/elements of the recruitment process at SG Cowen? SG Cowen has a very demanding recruitment process for new associates. The process consists of multiple â€Å"rounds†, begins in the fall of each year and comes to a close at the end of â€Å"Super Saturday†, which is the final round of the process. On Super Saturday, candidates core business schools are interviewed for positions of associates. The key elements of the recruitment process are: ? ? ? ? The targeting to the next 15 of the top 25 business schools, instead of the top 10. The company presentation at each of the core schools, in advance of the interview dates, by team captains. The chance for informational interviews in advance of the official ones. The testing for culture fit for the candidates What is your evaluation of the process used by the firm, what are strong points and what are weak points? State your argument. We will write a custom essay sample on Sg Cowen Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My personal evaluation of the process used by SG Cowen is that it is a very demanding process which consists of a structured and stringent plan for making hiring decisions. A very strong point of the process is Ray’s approach in that by focusing to the next 15 top schools you can find more loyal and competitive students. Additionally, by doing the informational interviews, the team captains can distinguish the students who really want to be prepared for the official interviews. Another positive point is that the candidates do not depend on one-vote decisions. Furthermore, the company’s CEO is present and provides support by giving speeches to attract new employees. On the other hand, there are some weak points in the process. Decision makers want to finish the procedure as quickly as possible, as the event is organized in their free time. This may lead to the wrong choice of candidates. Additionally, there is a potential bias in the selection process, due to personal preferences of the bankers and due to time constraints. Lastly, when some candidates have the chance for informational interviews, they have an unfair advantage, in the process, against their competitors. Which two candidates would you select if you were a member of the recruitment committee? Explain your answer by reflecting on the criteria Cowen uses to select suitable candidates. If I was a member of the recruitment committee, I would based my choices to the criteria of the firm, by finding candidates who are functional and cultural fit for the company. I believe that the most suitable candidate is Natalya Godlewska. Her main strength is her strong work experience and credentials and she is one of the most competitive applicants the committee has seen. I agree that it is too easy to use â€Å"culture†as an excuse and I believe that once Godlewska feel comfortable with co-workers she will be a great asset to the company. Furthermore, I believe that Andy Sanchez would, also, be a great asset to the company because of his entrepreneurial and working experience. Although, he has a low GPA, his SATs and GMATs compensate it and as he stated, his low grades are a reflection on the amount of work he had while he was running his business.
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